The hidden treasure of Capnayan, Laua-an, Antique

Friday the 13th of January 2017.

Barangay Capnayan is a majestic place that hasn’t yet discovered. An elevated barangay surrounded by streanous mountains. A place that is rich in natural resources and cultures. It is a small and peaceful community located in the mountainous part of Laua-an Antique. I may call this place as mini Benguet of Laua-an Antique for its rice terraces.

Friday the 13th- It seems my feet would drag me to my shoes. Im not prepared at this time if where to go. As I browsed my tablet I found a beautiful picture of Capnayan Falls that interest me most. I prepared my things as I go backpacking again with myself. It is already 9 in the morning when I left Iloilo bound to Laua-an Antique. I just asked help from friends if where I can find Capnayan Falls. They adviced me to inform the driver to just drop me at Crossing Lugta (First baranggay of Laua-an). That sounds so easy to me. Manong driver will take charge of my first destination.

It is almost 1 in the afternoon when I arrived at Crossing Lugta. I asked the motorcycle drivers (That is present around that time) if how could I reach Capnayan Falls. Dan..dan..dan after 15 minutes, I finally reached the Barangay Capnayan.

Barangay Capnayan and its hospitable people

As I reached the way up to the upland Barangay of Capnayan, My Motorcycle service has to go up to its steep road. There, a barangay official assisted me to the house of the Barangay Captain.

Captain Melarie Labyaw (Yes I got her name) excitingly welcomed me to her bamboo made house. She offered me a chair so that I could rest and a cup of cold water. She also asked me if what time I departed Iloilo and if I already took my lunch (Kagawad already introduced me that time to Kapitana). She offered me a food to eat. I hesitately refused but she insisted. As I ate my lunch she told me regarding with the number of tourist who arrived at their barangay. Their barangay had more than 300 hundred residence. Mostly tumandok (native) of Capnayan.

Captain Melarie never expect that their barangay will become one of the tourist destinations of Laua-an. Lots of tourist chose to stay for over night. She also told me that one of the main attraction of their barangay is the Mount Igmatongtong. A mountain that has a human head like rock formation at its summit.

I never expect that I was attracted to try its summit. I asked Captain Melarie that I want to explore its peak. She looked for my tour guide. Before I leave, I was requested to log at their barangay logbook and a donation of Php20 for the possible construction of their Barangay lodging house for tourists. Not bad for the service I recieved when I arrived.

Capnayan Falls

Kagawad Aldwin introduced me to my tour guide Mr. Florante Bahala. A native also of their barangay. Unfortunately, the falls has no enough water that time. A little bit disappointed but it’s okay. Mr. Florante told me that the water was used for the irrigation of their rice fields. The water falls is so wonderful during rainy season. The adviced season is from June up to September if you want to enjoy the falls. Anyway, not too bad since their source of living is more important.

The story of Anglo and Ligaya

As we go our way through rice fields, Mr. Florante shared me the story of Anglo and Ligaya. That time their place is abundant with water supply uphill. Anglo has a wife name Ligaya. Ligaya that time live at Mount Pangalkagan While Anglo live at Mount Dinawan. Anglo has a lots of pig at the top of Mount Dinawan and he also has a fish pond that is abundant with Tilapia and Pantat (mud fish). Unfortunately, Ligaya doesn’t want to go home with Anglo at Mount Dinawan causing Anglo to forcely pitch Ligaya at Mount Pangalkagan. Anglo used his magical power or anting anting to separate Mount Dinawan from Mount Igmatongtong. In order to watch Ligaya not to leave Mount Dinawan, Anglo used his magical power to put a big rock at the top of Mount Igmatongtong. A rock formed like a head of a person that has eyes, nose, and ears. And that is where Mount Igmatongtong named.

The story of the couple isn’t yet over. Like every story, there is vilain. That vilain tested the power of Anglo. He cursed the home of Anglo that one day it will become drought. Until that curse became true. The fishpond at the top of Mount Dinawan was gone and the pigs of Anglo also gone. But the big rock formation at the top of Mount Igmatongtong remains.

As the time past by, Yamashita treasure hunter destroyed the stones that served as the feeding bowl of the pigs as they expect there is a gold in it.

A foggy hike to Mount Igmatongton

As I continued my hike to the peak of Mount Igmatongtong, Mr. Florante showed me the beauty of their place.

The amazing picturesque view of rice terraces can be seen at the top. But one thing I noticed, a burned cogon grass at the cliff of Mount Igmatongtong. He told me that those grass was burned to expel wild boars who eat their veggies plants. As I reached higher altitude of Mt. Igmatongtong, the clouds slowly covered its peak and the rain started to pour.

After a long hike over its rice terraces I finally touched its peak. I was not able to see the view down the hills because of the cloudy weather.But I still enjoyed the trails of Mount Igmatongtong.

Cogon grass seems higher than me. Little nervous for presence of the wild boar who coupd attack me anytime. But Sir Florante cleared that wild boars are afraid to human. It is too far to what I saw in the movies. That time I was already wet and my shoes became muddy.

Sir Florante told me that they also have caves but it is still not accessible to the tourist. The caves remain untouched. Maybe there are dangerous animal in it like snakes. But he promised me, the next time around I visit their place, he will guide me to their caves.

I went home wet and muddy. Being a solo traveler, It made me more realize that life is still beautiful outside our comfort zone.

How to get there in Mount Igmatongtong/Capnayan?

If you are from Iloilo City

  1. Take a 3 hours bus or van ride at Molo Terminal.
  2. Tell the driver to drop you at Crossing Lugta, Laua-an.
  3. At Crossing Lugta, Take a 15-30 minutes motorcycle ride to Barangay Capnayan.
  4. At Brangay Capnayan, kindly tell the people that you were going to hike Mount Igmatongtong or look for the Barangay Captain. She will be happy to assist you.

How much it cost to go to Mount Igmatongtong/ Barangay Capnayan?

  1. Fare Molo-Crossing Lugta Php150.00.
  2. Crossing Lugta – Barangay Capnayan Php 50.00
  3. Entrance Fee Php 20.00
  4. Tour Guiding Fee Php 150.00
  5. Total expenses= Php 570.00-Php 700.00 (Round Trip)

2 thoughts on “The hidden treasure of Capnayan, Laua-an, Antique

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  1. hi there..nice and informative blog… could you give me the contact number of brgy captain of Capnayan? im organizing a medical/ outreach mission this coming march..thanks


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